Most pain indications are put under a blanket diagnosis or arthritis or inflammation.  This is accurate of course as it describes what is going on directly.  Of course how these areas are inflamed is another issue.  Among those with similar knee joint bone degradation, some have pain and some do not.  In Chinese medicine the focus is not on imaging like X-rays or MRIs.  In Chinese Medicine there is a phrase, where there is stagnation there is pain. Stagnation here refers to reduced circulation.  Whether there is visible joint and bone issues or not doesn't matter, if we improve the circulation, most often there is a reduction in pain.  There is no one prescription for all in any wholistic medicine, so there are variants, inflammation (called heat) can be due to something else.  But it is an imbalance nonetheless.  And by stimulation different regions, nerves and muscles with needles we are able to balance out the root issues causing pain.